Sunday, October 21, 2012

Summer/fall update

Well when you haven't blogged since July, there's a lot to catch up on!
Let's start with school. Here's a picture of the girls on their first day of school.
Erica is in 8th grade and Mikayla is in 4th grade.
Bryce didn't care to have his picture taken, but he's a freshman in high school this year!

And I have to include pictures of Mikayla and the chickens. I've got some great pictures of her and the chickens!

I took Mikayla on a horse trail ride in Garden Valley, Idaho. It was a lot of fun, because she LOVES horses!

Then, we decided to pony-sit for my friend Tijon. She brought her pony over and Mikayla has been in heaven!

Me and the girls went on a 5K walk in Boise. We had a great time! I was even on the news for a split second!

And when we had harvested everything from the garden, we were cleaning it up and somebody decided to throw a tomato at me. Then it was WAR! Tomatoes were flying everywhere. It was so gross, but really fun! Erica somehow managed to stay out of the mess because she was headed to a party soon!

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