Sunday, October 21, 2012

Visit from Grandma Ellen

My mom was able to visit from Texas for 3 weeks. My sister Michelle, her hubby Kai and their baby Bekah stayed for a week during that time. It was a full house, but fun!
Mikayla helping Bekah pet a chicken
Mikayla walking with Bekah

Bekah chasing chickens!

Bekah still playing with the chickens!

Grandma Ellen playing ping pong with us!

We went to Lucky Peak Reservoir and Erica pushed Michelle and Kai out in the raft

Bekah LOVED this mud hole, mostly because it was WARM!
We went to the Boise Aquarium.

My niece Bekah...isn't she adorable?
Bekah had a blast playing in the little pool in our front yard!
Bekah and Mommy

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