Saturday, December 14, 2013

Mikayla and Ugly Sweater Contest

Tonight we went to our ward Christmas dinner. There was an ugly sweater contest. So, about an hour before we left, Mikayla decided she wanted to go for it. She grabbed an old shirt out of my closet, and then started hot gluing a bunch of random stuff all over it. Well, she won 1st place! Although I'm not sure if it's really because her sweater was the ugliest...probably because she was the cutest! :-)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Here is a really cool video of Bryce playing drum set in the song "Frankenstein."

Mikayla singing with her school choir at the Capitol

Mikayla inside the Capitol building

Mikayla in the Judge's seat! We were excited they let us in the courtroom to see, then they offered for her to go up there and sit!

Mikayla with her school choir at the Capitol building in Boise

Erica at a concert

Buddy liked the snow, obviously!

Erica playing flute and piccolo at the Christmas concert

Erica playing flute and piccolo at the Christmas concert

Angelina, Erica and Kate