Saturday, April 13, 2013

Soccer, More Tennis and More Lamb pictures! April 2013

Mikayla trying to train "Friendly"
What a busy time of year for us! We are trying to catch the lammies so we can train them, tennis practice every day, 4 tennis games a week, soccer practice twice a week and games on Saturdays. The next 2 months will be crazy. School will be over before we know it!
We don't have to train Pam the Lamb - she just walks right up to you and LOVES to be scratched! She likes to eat my coat, too.

Everyone loves Pam! (That's a loaded statement!)

Erica at a tennis game

Erica serving


Mikayla...she may be small, but she's our little scrapper! She's not afraid to jump right in the middle and get the ball!

Mikayla almost scoring!



Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter, Tennis and Lambs, Spring 2013

Here are a few pictures from Easter...
Mikayla enjoying her Easter basket

Mikayla got everyone up early...Bryce wasn't too excited!

We are heavy into tennis season! Here are a few shots of Bryce playing in a game. He's really good! Erica plays as well...I'll have shots of her soon too.

Our lambs are getting bigger! Here is Mikayla with Pam the Lamb.

Rick holding Sunshine. She had to have shots yesterday.

Sunshine is our biggest lamb.

The lambs eating fresh hay.

Rick with Sunshine and Mikayla with Pam the Lamb.